Welcome to the Gallery of ~Mysterious Books~

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cover image of The Mixed-Up Files... hidden last will

The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler

This book is about a mysterious sketch, living in a museum after hours, and most importantly a file cabinet full of index cards and article clippings guarded by a grumpy old woman: who knows what intriguing tidbits are hidden inside?

cover image of Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

“Neel takes a sharp breath and I know exactly what it means. It means: I have waited my whole life to walk through a secret passage built into a bookshelf.

A delicious mix of magical secret societies and the allure of books and knowledge, combined with a modern day interest in technology.

hidden secret society icon
cover image of Endymion Spring

Endymion Spring

A force of mysterious knowledge runs through this book: wandering the stacks of the Bodleain Library, a young boy encounters a book clasped by two serpents. Mysticisim, knowledge, and Faust are all part of the journey that commences.

cover image of The Westing Game

The Westing Game

Can you solve the mystery of the will before the author reveals it to you? Not just a tonally mysterious book, but a puzzling one too. A classic of children's literature.

cover image of Chasing Vermeer hidden faust poster

Chasing Vermeer

One of the few books in this list that inspired me to take notes while reading it, feeling like I could solve the mystery right alongside the characters. A wonderful description of place, set in the ornate Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. If you've never seen a Vermeer painting, this book will make you want to find one to observe.

The sequels are excellent and equally as mysterious.

cover image of Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl

Specifically, the first book and its symbol cipher along the bottom of each page in the book. I learned to write it, found a symbol key, and began to decipher it – to the point where I could almost read the symbols as letters. I never did decipher all the ciphered text in the book though.

hidden code exchange
cover image of Top Secret hidden angel sketch

Top Secret: A Handbook of Codes & Ciphers

I was so obsessed with this book that I didn't want to return it to the library. I created my own copy with all the bits I found most interesting by copying them onto lined paper by hand, adding a hand-drawn cover, and stapling it all together to create my own mini-booklet.

cover image of The Usborne Detective's Handbook hidden ireland castle

The Usborne Detective's Handbook

This book was a hand-me-down from my Cool Aunt. I loved that this was written in a straight-forward and matter-of-fact tone – like a real handbook might have been. I have vague memories of assembling a detective/spy kit, and this book was included. The colorful and fun pictures are a strong point, though not very mysterious in-and-of themselves.

Can you find all the hidden objects on this page? (Turn on easy mode.)

  • #1: last will & testament
  • #2: illuminati symbol
  • #3: girl with a pearl earring
  • #4: faust poster
  • #5: people exchanging a code
  • #6: angel sketch
  • #7: castle in ireland
  • #8: sherlock holmes
hidden sherlock holmes
Congrats! You found them all!